PhD courses
Courses characterising the PhD programme

Advanced tools for the development of ca FREE
The objective of the course is to provide an overview on the most recent and advanced tools for the study and development of heterogeneous catalytic processes. The course is organized in a series of lectures given by expert in the…
Chemical Reaction Engineering FREE
In the course some problems related to the chemical reactions conducted under conditions in which they are in competition with the heat/mass transport processes are discussed. The behavior in terms of selectivity and conversion of complex systems in ideal reactors,…
Emerging Technologies in Fluorinated Mat FREE
Content of the course: Important information and figures in the word of fluorinated material (6 hours) Fluorinated material for surface treatments, superhydrofobicity. (3 hours) Selected per-fluorinated material for energy conversion and storage. (3 hours) Fluorinated surfaces with deicing properties. (3…
Peptides and Proteins FREE
Functional groups of biomolecules. Intermolecular interactions. Charged and neutral molecules. Hydrogen bonding. Hydrophobic interactions. Structural features conferring water solubility. Amino acids: natural, proteinogenic, non-natural. Acidity and basicity. pKa. Henderson-Hasselbach equation. Peptide bond. Peptide bond formation. Determination of peptides charge. Proteins:…
Advanced analytical methods and data ana FREE
NMR Spectroscopy: Nuclear spin orientation in a magnetic field. Quantum chemical description. Screening constants and spin-spin couplings. First order spectra and second order effects. Heteronuclear coupling. Fourier Transform NMR. Experimental set-up: locking and shimming. Main NMR parameters and their relationships.…